Use a dominant color: Choose a dominant color that will serve as the main color in your space. This color will set the tone for the rest of the room.
Use a secondary color: Select a secondary color that complements your dominant color. This color should be used in smaller amounts and can help add depth to your space.
Use an accent color: An accent color is used sparingly to add interest to your space. This color can be bolder and brighter than your dominant or secondary color.
Use neutrals: Neutrals such as white, beige, and gray can help balance out brighter colors in your space. They can also serve as a backdrop for your dominant and secondary colors.
Use the 60-30-10 rule: A good rule of thumb for balancing your colors is to use 60% of your dominant color, 30% of your secondary color, and 10% of your accent color.
Pay attention to color temperature: Colors can be warm or cool, and it's important to balance them accordingly. Warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow can make a room feel cozy, while cool colors such as blue and green can create a calming effect.

Consider the size of your space: The amount of color you use in your space should be proportionate to the size of the room. In smaller spaces, it's best to use fewer colors to avoid overwhelming the space.
By following these tips, you can create a balanced color palette that will make your space feel cohesive and inviting.