How To Mix And Match Patterns In Home Decor

How To Mix And Match Patterns In Home Decor

Mixing and matching patterns in home decor can be a bit tricky, but when done right, it can bring a unique and interesting look to your space. Here are some tips on how to mix and match patterns effectively:

Choose a color scheme: Start by selecting a color scheme that will tie all the patterns together. This will create a cohesive look and prevent the patterns from clashing with each other.

Choose a color scheme: Start by selecting a color scheme that will tie all the patterns together. This will create a cohesive look and prevent the patterns from clashing with each other.Choose a color scheme: Start by selecting a color scheme that will tie all the patterns together. This will create a cohesive look and prevent the patterns from clashing with each other.

Vary the scale: Use patterns of different scales to add depth and interest to your space. Mix smaller patterns with larger ones to create a balanced look.

Vary the scale:  Mix smaller patterns with larger ones to create a balanced look.

Stick to a theme: You can mix patterns from different design styles, but it's essential to stick to a theme. For example, if you're using a floral pattern, use it with other patterns that have a natural theme.

Stick to a theme You can mix patterns from different design styles, but it's essential to stick to a theme

Use solids to break up patterns: Solids can help break up the patterns and give your eyes a break. Use solid-colored pillows, rugs, or curtains to create a balance between the patterns.

Use solids to break up patterns: Solids can help break up the patterns and give your eyes a break. Use solid-colored pillows, rugs, or curtains to create a balance between the patterns.

Experiment with texture: Mixing textures with patterns can create a sophisticated and layered look. For example, pair a floral print with a velvet texture to create a cozy and elegant look.

 pair a floral print with a velvet texture to create a cozy and elegant look. pair a floral print with a velvet texture to create a cozy and elegant look.

By following these tips, you can confidently mix and match patterns in your home decor to create a unique and personalized space.


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